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How to Learn Web Development for Beginners in 2023 for Free
Step-by-Step Process with Free Resources & Links
When I decided to learn web development it became difficult to decide where to start as internet is full of resources. I will share my personal preference in the end in "One Place For All" section but first thing first why learn web development and steps to learn.
Learning web development is becoming increasingly popular as the demand for web developers rises. Web development is a very rewarding field, as it allows you to create solutions and opportunities to impact the world. With the right resources and dedication, anyone can learn web development. In this blog post, you will have a step-by-step process on how to learn web development for beginners in 2023 with free resources and links.
Important: You must add Practice after each step, make your own web page and apply whatever you learn. No Practice No Learning.
Step 1: Learn HTML
HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is the foundation of all web pages. It is the language used to structure and present content on the web. Therefore, it is essential to have a good understanding of HTML before moving on to other web development technologies.
Free Resources:
• W3Schools HTML Tutorial – w3schools.com/html
• Mozilla Developer Network HTML Tutorial – developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/HTML
Step 2: Learn CSS
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is the language used to style and design web pages. It is used to control the layout, colors, fonts, and other visual aspects of web pages.
Free Resources:
• W3Schools CSS Tutorial – w3schools.com/css
• Mozilla Developer Network CSS Tutorial – developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/CSS
Step 3: Learn JavaScript
JavaScript is the programming language used to create interactive web applications. It is used to add dynamic features to web pages and make them more interactive.
Free Resources:
• W3Schools JavaScript Tutorial – w3schools.com/js
• Mozilla Developer Network JavaScript Tutorial – developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Java..
• Eloquent JavaScript – eloquentjavascript.net
Step 4: Learn a Framework
Frameworks are libraries of pre-written code that make it easier to build web applications. Popular frameworks include React, Vue, and Angular. I went for React but you can go for any of these.
Free Resources:
• React Tutorial – reactjs.org/tutorial/tutorial.html
• Vue Tutorial – vuejs.org/v2/guide
• Angular Tutorial – angular.io/tutorial
Step 5: Learn a Server-Side Language
Server-side languages are used to create the back-end of web applications. Popular server-side languages include PHP, Python, and Ruby.
Free Resources:
• PHP Tutorial – w3schools.com/php
• Python Tutorial – python.org/about/gettingstarted
• Ruby Tutorial – ruby-lang.org/en/documentation/quickstart
Practice, Practice, Practice
The key to success in web development is practice. You should start building your own websites and applications using the tools and frameworks you just learned. Add practice projects after each step, apply whatever you learn. This will help you gain confidence and improve your skills.
One place for All:
There are sites that offer all these at one place for free, where you can learn, code, and see your results with certificate at the end of learning. To help you get started following are my personal suggestions:
Start by enrolling any of these, Freecodecamp is my personal preference as it is the place I learned and because my learning experience was amazing, I suggest it to all:
• Free Code Camp – freecodecamp.org
• Codecademy – codecademy.com
• W3Schools – w3schools.com
• Khan Academy – khanacademy.org
Just try one or two, stick to it for a few hours daily for a month and see yourself grow. Your understanding and creation would motivate you to continue on this amazing journey of web development.
Start your 100 Days Code Challenge and share on social media whatever you learn each day (for record, see progress, & show others what you learn).
Also use and learn the following:
• Youtube – a plenty of tutorials where you learn by watching mentors coding.
• Google – if you are stuck, don't worry google has every solution.
• VSCode – Top most used Code Editor along with plenty of extensions to help you coding (it's another detailed topic for another article).
• Codepen.io – don't want to install the Code Editor or libraries, use it to code, see results, and save your work.
• Git/ Github – In simple terms, a storage, sharing, and learning place for Programmers and Developers (don't ask version control thing in the beginning, I will write about it in detail in another article).
Learning web development from scratch can be a daunting task. However, with the right resources and guidance, it is possible to learn web development from scratch in 2023. This guide provides a step-by-step process to learn web development from scratch, along with free resources and their links. Hope that this guide will help you learn web development in the year 2023.
For more tools, information, coding, and tech related articles don't forget to follow and check my other programming and development related articles.